
This is my site for my future server plans and so on

First of all, I'm planning on hosting my own game servers plus willing to rent out server space for others.
Secondly, probably gonna archive certain things that I find, for instance my music lib, not sure if I'll make it public or not, probably through a torrent/onion service.
This doesnt mean I will stop doing cosplay or anything, I will try to keep all the balls up high so to speak.

The setup of my server system will be a rack-mounted desktop computer (in a server case) for local use and a secondary server beast for the external stuffs like the things i mentioned above.

The specifications of my local server will be:

The specifications of the external server will be:

Server has been bought! Hope it'll arrive next week without any issues :)

Further updates, got myself a server rack thanks to school and ordered a new case for the local server. Hope I can get it working soon :')

you won't find anything here.

No, nothing is here!

Fine have the funny rat